[ClassIn]This is a greeting from ClassIn. Thank you for registering our platform and now you have 7days free trial with 100RMB. How could we help you?2025-01-03 04:15:401903420
[ClassIn]This is a greeting from ClassIn. Thank you for registering our platform and now you have 7days free trial with 100RMB. How could we help you?2025-01-03 04:00:431667222
[ClassIn]This is a greeting from ClassIn. Thank you for registering our platform and now you have 7days free trial with 100RMB. How could we help you?2025-01-03 03:45:401209436
[ClassIn]This is a greeting from ClassIn. Thank you for registering our platform and now you have 7days free trial with 100RMB. How could we help you?2025-01-03 03:30:411914226
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