Hello, Your Metropolitan Warehouse & Delivery shipment 3326175 and Stop Number 5098781has departed from the warehouse. For real-time tracking of your order, please click here - https://n2024-12-19 02:45:401503536
[ClipClaps] Your ClipClaps verification code is 5611. Enter the code to complete your verification.Please do not share.2024-12-19 02:45:401415498
Hello, Your Metropolitan Warehouse & Delivery shipment 3326175 and Stop Number 5098781has departed from the warehouse. For real-time tracking of your order, please click here - https://n2024-12-19 02:30:401480439
authcode:645487 Please enter your authorization code at GAMERSLtd. The code is valid for 10 minutes.2024-12-19 02:15:391910909
Hello, Your Metropolitan Warehouse &#38; Delivery shipment 3326175 and Stop Number 5098781has departed from the warehouse. For real-time tracking of your order, please click here - https://n<br />2024-12-19 02:15:391404301
authcode:645487 Please enter your authorization code at GAMERSLtd. The code is valid for 10 minutes.2024-12-19 02:00:391254312
authcode:645487 Please enter your authorization code at GAMERSLtd. The code is valid for 10 minutes.2024-12-19 01:45:391520457
authcode:645487 Please enter your authorization code at GAMERSLtd. The code is valid for 10 minutes.2024-12-19 01:30:391312275
Use the code (178613) to change your linked mobile number. For security, don&#39;t forwardthe code to others.2024-12-19 01:15:391234219
authcode:645487 Please enter your authorization code at GAMERSLtd. The code is valid for 10 minutes.<br />2024-12-19 01:15:391504608
Use the code (178613) to change your linked mobile number. For security, don&#39;t forwardthe code to others.2024-12-19 01:00:391209436
Use the code (178613) to change your linked mobile number. For security, don&#39;t forwardthe code to others.2024-12-19 00:45:387920907
Use the code (178613) to change your linked mobile number. For security, don&#39;t forwardthe code to others.2024-12-19 00:30:391213344
Use the code (178613) to change your linked mobile number. For security, don&#39;t forwardthe code to others.<br />2024-12-19 00:15:431251220
We're excited you decided to begin Billao's coding journey with Whitehat Jr! Pleaseclick on the link to confirm your free coding class. http://1kx.in/DU2024-12-18 23:15:431202967